Sunday, November 27, 2016

Enter Winter

Neighborhood Active
fun flies already
.. So then, we got Thanksgiving out of the way. Now there's just Christmas and the rest of Winter to go.
..Catching excursions have slowed somewhat for the holidays. Up here we chase those fish right through the Winter. We have to. Sanity, don'tchaknow?
.. The neighbors have already entered their dual role of fly experiments and experimental testing.
.. In a post-Thanksgiving fit of neatness and creativity, (while dispensing with the leftover stuffing and adult beverages,) they gathered round the vises and toyed with some materials.
.. Several of the bravest had made a raid on a local feather merchant and peeked at the commercial flies. They were dutifully ignored as slovenly 'locals' and, had time to finger the offerings from far off lands.
.. On the Gallatin River, right now, the "SF CADDIS" is undergoing testing. There is probably a conventionally sanctioned name for this fly. If there is they did not remember it. The beverages took hold and the silhouette was seemingly, (to their milky eyes,) reminiscent of the dorsal fin of a sailfish.
.. Testing will destroy the dozen or so flies already completed. They will be floated, sunken, smashed, loaded with all manner of floatants, drifted, stripped, and fished with gay, (and hung over,) abandon: reports will follow.
.. We're out to shovel some snow and then a nap.
WALLPAPER:  Rotini 'n' Ragu