Friday, May 27, 2016

Filthy Lucre Wins

Dark Ages Continue
get what you pay for

.. As long as football clouds the minds of the Montana State University community, and as long as CTE appears to be migrating from football players to the university administration, Montana residents will continue to get their money's worth.
.. Waded Cruzado, president of MSU, has a salary ranked 167 out of 212 college presidents surveyed by the Chronicle of Higher Education, (LINK-1.)
.. Now she and her board and the state sponsored blind eye are allowing money, (again,) to win the battle against integrity that MSU continues to wage.
.. Greg Gianforte, (who believes dinosaurs lived with Adam and Eve just 4,000 years ago,) a candidate for governor of Montana has bought his name on a building at MSU for $8,000,000.00.
.. Students have challenged this action based on his support for hate groups, (LINK-2.) They feel that the naming would violate the values of the university and amount to an institutional level of acceptance of discrimination and hatred.
.. Cruzado and the board reject the students concerns out of hand and opt for money rather than integrity and the moral high ground.
.. This action is just the latest in a long list of how money rules over sanity and integrity in Montana. It seems that Gianforte and the citizens of Montana are both getting what they pay for.
.. See the video HERE. ==> The comments are worth the time!
Post Scriptum: Rain, on and off, continues along with slowly falling temperatures.
.. This is a sure sign that the faithful will enjoy good catching on both the Madison River and the Firehole River come Saturday.
.. Top water fishers will persist in the madness of seeking fish with specks of stuff that are invisible at a distance of twenty feet. Others will use the tried and true fish slayers of the Firehole.
.. Connoisseurship and guru worship continue to govern the mindset of the hoards as they stream to the streams. With any luck at all there will be hatches of itty bittys to exploit. They shall be rewarded.
.. Hard as it is to distinguish a sipping trout from rain and hail pelting the water, it will serve the visitor well to pause and survey the stream before galumphing into the water - weather be damned.