Saturday, February 27, 2016

One More Week

Extra Pleasantness
an extra day too
.. We get an extra day of fishing this month on St. Oswald's Day. This is the leaping saint of Worcester not the saint of Northumbria. It confuses us too.
.. But, on the other hand, the weather is leaping into the 40's for the next week: not too shabby.
.. Those neighbors that aren't camping or tickling the smoker have taken to driving down canyon to visit the exceptional catching on the Gallatin River. Some have even gone as far as Ennis to gather up the exceptional streamer fishing on the Madison River.
.. There have been monstrous midge hatches on both rivers with the bright sun. The breeze is occasionally gentle enough to take advantage of the little winter denizens.
.. The Gallatin River is yielding some nice fish to standard and bead head nymphs. Nothing fancy is required, (use the twinkly stuff if you must,) and be sure to work the slow side of the seams in the shadows - down deep.
.. Some streamer action has been reported below Big Sky and on the broad sections around Gallatin Gateway.
.. Down on the lowland Madison River there is quite a bit of action using large dark nymphs and small olive streamers, (read Matuka.) Grab your favorite Stonefly imitation and probe the depths where the cobbles turn to boulders near the shore or on the mid river bars.
.. Both Golden Stonefly and Salmonfly nymph imitations are hot right now. Large buggy bits of flotsam on the surface are beginning to interest fish as well.
.. There is a mini-runoff building right now. Our low level snowpack is sparse and has started to melt - early as it is.
.. We're headed to Snowflake Springs - we'll work our way down stream for some distance until the breezes kick up.