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.. A couple of years ago we bumped into a site that was attractive, diverse, and engaged our interest.
.. Lately we've been loath to post about blogs because they seem to come and go with the rapidity of a nose in the foam line.
.. Although not a blog per se; this site is fresh, vigorous, well maintained, full of good information, and has persisted in a dynamic state for over three years.
.. As shown above WASHINGTON FLY FISHING is partitioned into five segments.
.. We return frequently to the GALLERY and reminisce about our time in that foreign country. The images include gear, flies, hero shots, and miscellaneous snaps. Good stuff.
.. Hidden amongst the forums is a gem of fly tying innovation and instruction. The STEP BY STEP FORUM is well worth burning a few electrons and clicking through.
.. Our local village fly fishers clique is wonderfully inbred and staid when it comes to vocabulary, ideology, and fly selections. This situation obtains because of personality cults, and supposed pragmatism... The "because it works" syndrome is most probably geographically localized and regionalized across the world. It leads to stifled creativity and parochialism.
.. Seldom is the question asked: "can something work better?" Infrequently a creation from fly tying vises makes it's way into the lexicon of localisms. All to seldom does it persist.
.. We too, are guilty of hanging on to old flies that have served us well for decades. The parochial mentality is a hard one to break. We've slowly come to appreciate the reason why there are so many and diverse flies: they all work.
.. Blessed are the fly tiers for they shall be rewarded in the kingdom of innovation. Remember: “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house.”
.. Please pardon the strong suggestion.
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