Thursday, August 13, 2015

Just Delightful

Fish Seeking Dance Partners
all bugs seem to be present
.. So when it's good it's just too good. That's the haps on the Gallatin River. It's easy to tell when the fishing and catching warm weather calendar has about run it's course.
.. The catching becomes almost mindless. The breezes are gentle. The clouds are dense. The afternoon showers are right on time. Temperatures climb all the way into the 70's.
.. Every bug in our box is present and, alive and. on the water or, in the air or, in the weeds. What more could you want?
.. The low hopper count seems to have improved. It's even flying ant time. There are still, (or increasing,) spruce moths along the wooded sections and the beetles are big enough that you need to watch your step or trip over them. The neighbors are favoring the old fashioned Hopper/Dropper combination of a size 10 hopper and a size 16 ant.
.. There has not been the anticipated heavy rains that scared some fishers to the lowlands.
.. Intermittent and wildly dispersed showers in the afternoon and heavy fog in the morning seems to have wrung some moisture from the air.
.. Some folks still insist that the drive to the northeast corner of Yellowstone National Park is where you will find that the fishing and catching is best. Farm out - have at it!
.. While you're over there look for the pretty colors in Soda Butte Creek. Flow testing with dye infusions started yesterday. Some sections of Soda Butte Creek will remain open. Some sections will be closed.
.. The electrofishing for cutthroat salvage will begin about mid week, (around the 19th of August.) Poison dumping is scheduled to happen on the 24, 25, and maybe 26 of August. Check with your favorite feather merchant for exact dates and stream section closures.
.. Our weather continues to be a pub topic with the neighbors. One of our well educated fisher friends explains that we are already feeling the effects of this coming monster El Niño.
.. It seems that the persistent light precipitation around here is in response to the Jet Stream doing a hula as it moves north and south in response to warm air pulses from the eastern Pacific Ocean around Peru.
.. Of course it has to dodge the Great Basin High and slip underneath the polar vertexes. Hearing the jargon of explanation makes our head spin.
.. We have a better time with pictures and simple arithmetic.
.. In the simplest terms the current, rapidly building, El Niño has a better than nine in ten chance of being the biggest in the last 50 years.
.. We'll let you know come next April or May. Right now we're headed to Specimen Creek. Or maybe Bacon Rind Creek. Or maybe even the perfect Gallatin River.
.. We suggest that you avoid the noisy gulpers on Hebgen Reservoir.