Friday, September 19, 2014

Afternoon Delights

Elbow Density Increasing
contrary neighbors look north

.. So, as it happens, the local feather merchants are touting the park and catch locations along the Madison River and Firehole River. And thusly the elbow quotient is on the rise.
..The vehicle parking is more crowded than the fish parking along the Madison River. The Fall Run fish from Hebgen Reservoir are slowly entering the river system. These fish are eating both nymphs and streamers. Poke 'em in the nose and a fine fandango is yours.
.. Right now double nymph rigs are scoring as many fish as are the streamers - just keep them on the big size. We're using a King Prince followed by a white thorax Feather Duster.
.. The more successful neighbors are using a Flymph & Nymph combo, it adds some internal action to the rig. The flymphs being used are similar to the commercially available soft hackles in color. The difference is that the hackle is a bit stiffer and the body is a bit more fluffy. The local feather merchants have the standard run of the mill soft hackles for your edification.
.. A few of the young'uns have stayed late and found submarines at both Barn's #1 and Baker's Hole with long tailed buggers. These have become quite the fad in the neighborhood of late. It just might have something to do with the catch rate of the flies - or the skill of the fishers.
.. Some of us have the timerity to use a double floating rig: Caddis / Baetis. It's a gentler form of indulgence along the Madison River this time of year, and we don't need a 14' two handed rod to land the fish. Some do though.
.. The Firehole River has come into it's own, (though the mid day warmth is a mite slow for lightning catching,) and the caddis are putting on quite a show. Along with the caddis are a few terrestrials, some baetids, an occasional spruce moth and even the stray damselfly. Ants and midge cluster are also working fine for all the faithful that need to see their flies.
.. Just about any commercial soft hackle will entice the fish in the river right now. A rig with a small nymph behind a soft hackle will do wonders all day - every day. Use a bead head on the one that you want to be deep - let the other waggle along behind.
.. Waders are becoming a fashion statement around town. Wet muddy tracks in the aisles of grocery stores can be followed directly to the cold beer displays. The more fashion conscious of the visiting fishers roll their bibs down to their waist. This allows a full reveal of the bulbous gut and the accompanying odoriferous emanations to be enjoyed by all of our genteel neighbors, their children, and their clerks in the checkout line. Bless the decorum of visitors in the Fall. Hunters are here too. [[Images too gross to publish.]]
..  While a few of the neighbors get sucked into runner frenzy, most of them, (contrarians that they are,) head north of town. Fall catching on the lesser known Gallatin River, Bacon Rind Creek, Specimen Creek, and other sweet rivers is just a delight right now. (Older Post.)
.. We've been enjoying the lazy way to fish. Sleep in // arise and eat a simple breakfast // check the clock // shed the sweats // find the car keys // head north in the afternoon warmth // find a place to fish where the water is cool and the fish are willing // catch a few - head home for a pizza at the pub.
.. The Gallatin River is conducive to genteel fishing. There are a few afternoon caddis. There are some remnant terrestrial critters finding the water, On rare occasions there is a late mayfly hatch. The fish are healthy, boisterous, and classical opportunists. They will grab any groceries that present themselves. No special flies are needed. Fling something simple and catch a fish. No stress and no underwear-ripping effort to fling it farther. It appeals to only a few of us.
.. Many of the neighbors enjoy this form of fishing. They have learned to avoid the heroes of the park and the braggarts from the fly shops. They stroll instead of run. They pause and look around. They have not been sucked into the gonzo fishing of the fall frenzy. They hide in pubs with no restaurant attached and converse about Fall, the sky, the moose, the bear, the elk, and sometimes the fish.
.. We've been adopted by these hard working stiffs. They view their fishing as a total outdoor experience. The fish have become an excuse. Most of them catch fish any time and any place that they go. They catch them big. They catch them small. They catch them all and don't much give it a second thought.
.. So, for now, it's the Gallatin River for us. The colors are better.