Thursday, December 19, 2013

La Comida Para Picar

Quick And Simple
for breakfast, lunch, dinner
Roast It Don't Toast It
.. Pan-roasted bread is full of flavors that have been lost in translation with the modern toaster. Pan roasted bread also forms the basis for many recipes that are just not the same with contemporary toast.
..  Try this: a bit of pan roasted bread, (stale is O.K.,) rub with garlic, mash some tomato into it, sprinkle with some pepper, and drizzle with a bit of olive oil. We use a fork to smash the garlic and tomato bits prior to rubbing into the bread. A standard delight at the bar, (en la taberna.)
.. Tapas, straight from Spain, are available in our village and we're pleased with that.
Pan con Ajo y Tomate