Saturday, October 12, 2013

Rediscovering The Past

Interested Parties Know It Well
cars from afar park here
.. As long ago as 1929 Mr. Eric Leiser extolled the virtues of this little creek.
.. In 2008, with the second edition of "The Complete Book Of Fly Tying," Mr. Jack Gartside relates how he introduced Mr. Leiser to this little stream.
.. Almost every book published about our neighborhood, (past and present,) has noted the glories of the stream and it's lovely meadows, gentle fish, and giant Brown Trout in the Fall.
.. As we've often mentioned: " . . . there are no secrets in Yellowstone National Park when it comes to fishing. . . "
Little Fly = BIG FISH
.. Each and every year fishers, (newly arrived and bright-eyed,) "DISCOVER" the fishing in the park. Each and every year they believe that they know secret spots.
.. They persist in this ego-satisfying mistake for one of, or several reasons: they don't read the vast literature pertaining to our neighborhood, they don't reveal "their secrets" to other anglers, (who probably already know - anyway,)
.. They are selfishly proprietary about where they caught the fish of their dreams, they angrily whine when others fish the secret spots and they will provide false warnings, (fishing pressure, bears, small fish, etc.)
.. Even Mr. Sheridan Anderson fished in this small creek and loved it. He mentioned it in 1989 in a wonderful book that you all know, (or should,) "The Curtis Creek Manifesto."
The Famous Mud Bank Of Duck Creek
.. All this by way of saying that there are, to this day, supercilious, selfish, imperious, newcomers to this area that believe that DUCK CREEK is a secret and that we should not mention it in the goings-on around town. Such nonsense.
.. Good gracious, Mable, The Yellowstone Fishing Blogs are full of DUCK CREEK posts. The major static web sties about fishing in the area have pages devoted to the lovely little creek.
.. Each year the feather merchants introduce their seasonal counter help to the fishing just 8, (or 7, - depending on who you read,) miles up the road.  It's perhaps the worst kept secret of all the supposed secrets in Yellowstone Park.
.. For those who chose to be informed, and if asked, we will gladly supply you with at least 50 excellent references on the WWW to the wonders of DUCK CREEK. Google will give you more. If you like we'll even provide you with dozens of references in the published literature, some of them older than even us. Secrets - BAH! [[ Try this for starters. ]]  [[ Or this secret source. ]]
.. Yet the newly arrived, with agendas other than enjoying fishing, pretend that it's secret and an absolute mortal sin to talk about the glories of DUCK CREEK.
.. There are even folks that rant and rail about the very mention of DUCK CREEK in public. Hell, Mergiatroyd, you can't even fish the park section right now.
.. You can, however fish that portion of DUCK CREEK from the park boundary to it's estuary at Hebgen Reservoir.
.. We invite you to fish it right now. The runners are just as big, (or bigger,) than those cruising up the Madison River.
.. There are even giant Brown Trout in Cougar Creek and Grayling Creek. Enormous numbers of enormous fish have not yet made it to Yellowstone National Park. There is a lot of good fishing to be had. Have at it. Enjoy the area and feel blessed that you can.
.. Humankind can be cantankerous, proprietary, secretive, and imbecilic: fly fishers among the worst of the species.
.. We're also a contrary lot on more occasions than we care to admit, (save for the rich and religious that buy the "right stuff" and flaunt it.) When told not to do something - damn straight we'll probably do it.
.. When told not to fish someplace - we'll have to find out why. When told that DUCK CREEK is a secret, on the other hand, we can only laugh at the naivete of the perpetrators of such a grandiloquent lie.
.. Listen carefully to the way fly fishers talk about spots for fishing and catching. What are they really saying? Are they trying to teach your mother to suck eggs? Listen to the self proclaimed, holier than thou interlopers. Listen carefully. Are they selfish? Are they poorly informed? Are they outright liars?
.. Are they fishing guides trying to make a buck? Are they honestly interested in the pleasures of fishing and catching or just boosting their ego and pretending to be superior to the rest of us? There's a lot of that going around our neighborhood.
.. By the way, please keep this a secret just between us. After all we truly believe that some pleasures should be discovered by oneself. Thanks.