Sunday, March 11, 2012

. . . And Then Some !

The Bottom Falls Out
the neighbors rejoice
FISHERS OF THE FLY  --  Between The Lakes
.. It happened. The thermometers in town hit the magic number:  50° F. The neighbors are sanguine enough to understand that it means nothing of great significance at this point in March - but they chortle and giggle at the prospect of our impending Spring.
.. During the daytime hours our town's roads become a rutted mush. As the sub-zero nights blanket our basin the roads become icy tank traps waiting to devour the undercarriages of unsuspecting visitors in their low-slung $50,000 chariots. Even the granola skiers have trouble with their "Super Subaru's."
.. The very thin skim of ice that was left on several neighborhood small streams has evaporated with the bright sun and high temperatures. A few shaded small streams, (like Cabin Creek,) are still ice and snow covered.
Sierra Bright Dot
.. Surprisingly, (and happily,) Friday and Saturday were not only bright and warm, - BUT -  without any significant winds. The midge fishers jumped on it!
.. It may hit 55° F today but the winds have already started. The "snow-eater" arrives!
.. A couple of months ago we extolled the virtues of the Sierra Bright Dot as a fly for taking trout when the midges were hatching.
.. Of course the fly-shop-groupies poo-pooed it and stuck with the sanctioned offerings of their respective feather merchants. It's understandable given the economic and social competition between the elitist fly shop gangs, (whose hat do you wear?)
Olive Double Midge
.. We would like to highlight a very, very, similar fly from RiverBum; used in exactly the fashion that we've touted. On occasion even the feather merchants get it right.
.. Between The Lakes on the Madison River the neighbors, and a few visitors from states in the deep south like Utah and Wyoming, are taking fish on San Juan Worms, Sierra Bright Dots, floating Shop Vac's, and small streamers of various sorts.
Worms du jur between the lakes
.. The combined effects of warm sunny days and top-of-lake-discharge have made the Hebgen Tailwater very productive for the winter hatching fauna.
.. According to the glitterati literati folks that know, there may be three species of midges and their associated worms in the tailwater.
.. We have no idea. We do know that the traditional San Juan Worm in a glorious red color is the preference for the fishers that like to catch fish.
.. We're headed down that way, (sort of,) to a bit of open, legal, water without a trampled footpath. We suggest that you fish Between The Lakes now. It's hard to tell when the Montana DFWP will figure out that there is genteel recreation occurring there and regulate it.