Friday, June 04, 2010

Could Be Worse

Not Quite Biblical
.. With the rain coming down in sheets we have the wonderful opportunity to practice some combat fishing in Yellowstone National Park.
.. Our 7-day forecast shows some rain for most of this weekend and the coming week.
.. Not continuous, not deluges, not cold, and not debilitating - just rain.
.. Temperatures will be in the balmy 50's and we may see 60's by the first of next week.
.. Fishers in the neighborhood are rejoicing. This is perfect bug weather. The slickers are out and some of the codgers are waxing & oiling their "old-timey" foul weather gear.
.. Many conversations are centered on how to keep cigars dry and what libations help to keep the ticker tocking.
.. Heavy speculation turns to how do those little flies manage to get airborne in the pounding rain.
.. Rain brings the savvy to the fore. Fair weather fishers looking for a postcard experience are busy moaning and warming stools in the local pubs.
.. One of the great advantages of this weather, especially for fishers of the Firehole River, is the reduced number of flies necessary in the fly box.
.. Emergers, (up one or two sizes,) nymphs, (up two or three sizes,) dries, (up one size,) and you're done.
.. For some insight into the simple and effective flies for now, (and for just about anytime,) check out the article by Marshall Cutchin written a couple of years ago. The article features Craig Mathews' fly box.
.. Head hunters need only add a Wooly Worm, (black and/or yellow ones,) and a Woolly Bugger, (olive and/or black ones,) and you're done.
.. Most of the successful catching in the rain is bank stalking. If the Baetis are cooperating it's a dream experience. Slick spots and eddy's by the bank can produce a pile of fish.
.. For high water tactics see the post below. The fishing and catching right now is better than you would think.
.. Folks on the Madison River will be doing well with streamers and Wooly Buggers. Folks in the Gibbon River canyon can do the same.
.. Solfaterra Creek is going like gang busters right now. Eager fish are on the top, the bottom, the edges, and in your waders. Enjoy the action with these 8"-10" monsters.
.. When mom give you rain, enjoy the rainbows!