Thursday, March 11, 2010

Estuaries Now

Estuaries Clear
walk some fish some
.. The major estuaries on Hebgan Reservoir have begun to clear to the point that fish are having trouble finding elbow room at the edge of the ice. The mergansers love it.
.. Ice out for the shoreline is still a few weeks away, but the neighbors with a sense for where the fish are, are now fishing the estuaries. Access is by shanks mare or snowmachine and the fishing is spectacular. Worm fishers outnumber fly fishers about 4 to 1. Catching is good for both fraternities.
.. The Madison River Arm of the reservoir has about a mile of clear water. Both Duck Creek and Cougar Creek are flowing well and that estuary has pods of 20" fish eating just about everything that sloughs off the edge of the melting ice.
.. Flow on the South Fork of the Madison River is up again and the estuary is wide open and contains both lake fish and river fish.
.. The trickles at Spring Creek and near Rumbaugh Bay are surprisingly warm and shoreline fishing is dredging up fish to 18" with small streamers and dark nymphs.
.. The snow is crumbling and access is only for the stout of leg and lung. Snowshoes are useful, skis and skins work, snowmachines are necessary in some localities, while the young spirits just post-hole their way in and out.
.. Game trails lead to both the best and worst catching spots. Just ask the neighbors.