Saturday, January 02, 2010

They're Off

Two Mickey's And No Mouse-------
.. The artistic collaboration between Jeff Kennedy and Jason Borger is off and running. We'd post the images here but that would spoil the fun. Visit their sites, [HERE & HERE,] to see the results of these 30 minute wonders. Full technical details and commentary are included.
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.. Get over to the TROUT UNDERGROUND for a nice piece on the "Year In Review." It's just the thing for a snowy winter's afternoon.
.. The snow-pack is way down up here. The alternating cold and warm weather has kept the ice-clogged Lower Gallatin River at or above flood stage for a week and the weather forecast is not promising.
.. Avalanche danger is high or worse and the clear cold nights have produced more than the normal amount of surface hoar. It must be January!
.. Ice fishing has been so-so and the catching is about the same. The town is suffering another maggot shortage and the thrummers are not getting the job done. The Narrows at Hebgen Reservoir and down near the dam seem to be producing as many whitefish as trout. The whitefish are bigger and, better eating too.
.. A couple of the neighbors are scouting Between The Lakes today. Rumor has it that the snow flies are carpeting the banks of the Madison River around Campfire Lodge. Given the shallow snow cover the access has been better than the catching so far this winter.