Tuesday, September 29, 2009

They'll Kill Us

everywhere a prince, prince
.. The madness of the meadow mambo and the order of the conga line have descended to the famous holes of the Madison River. A queue at the quay is now standard practice at the Barns Holes and Baker's Hole.
.. Talk centers around the best fast water fly for the big fish entering the system. Many of the flies traditionally used have their fans. BUT! A few knowledgeable and well traveled local guides have a trick up their waders.
.. The king has arrived! The WHAT? The KING PRINCE NYMPH. It has made inroads into the boxes of guides and knowledgeable neighbors in the last year or so. In surprising sizes it is taking more than it's share of fish during the Fall madness surrounding the runners from Hebgen Lake.
.. Distributed by Idyllwild Flies and inching it's way across North America this little denizen is already making a name for itself. The novelty is that big fish are eating the small sizes, (14-16-18,) and in surprising numbers.
.. We'll be badly maligned for this post. Our grog will be rationed. Our name will be mud: but you need to know. Don't abandon your streamer box just yet, put it on hold for an hour or two and see what happens.
.. Read about this and other sorts of surprises HERE.