Saturday, May 02, 2009

Sparkle In Montana

Montana's Own
for fishers & others
.. There's nothing wrong with admitting you fish. And there's nothing wrong with adorning your ears with flies.
.. There's nothing wrong with admitting you are geeky. And there's nothing wrong with adorning your ears with chips.
.. There's even some stuff for your neck, and wrist, and other parts if you so choose.
.. Just visit STEWART JEWELRY DESIGNS [a growing part of STEWART DOLLHOUSE CREATIONS] and try some original adornment of the creative style. It matters not whether you're male or female - these things are nice.
.. Nestled in north central Montana the Stewart's are unrepentant geeks and cowherds. They believe in expressing yourself with your jewelry - be it geeky or fishy.
.. You can have titanium or feathers; or surgical stainless steel or copper, your choice, and the popular line of jewelry is growing rapidly because the items are both attractive and affordable.
.. Hang a resistor in your ear. Hang a Prince Nymph in your ear. Love mint chocolate chip ice cream? Hang it in your ear.
.. Hand made, individualized jewelry does not have to cost an arm and a leg. Try 'em, you'll like 'em.
.. There are several themes of adornment from fishing to food. These will not be found at the mall!
.. Cows are tough to care for and require different skills than miniature doll houses or jewelry creation.
.. The wonder of it all is that these folks have mastered both and represent an interesting bit of the evolving New Montana.
.. If you wear jewelry, (or have a 1:12 or 1:48 scale dollhouse,) click on over and visit the Stewart's sites.
--> Geek Girl Jewelry
--> Nature Girl Jewelry