Monday, April 20, 2009

If It's Not One Thing, It's . . .

Pike Roaming The Jeff
use trout imitations for flies
.. A heads up from the TROUT UNDERGROUND pointed us at a Billings Gazette note about the proliferation of pike in the Jefferson River.
.. The official confirmation has been slow in coming despite angler reports for the past couple of years. [ The current flurry of concern has prompted news sources to quickly jump on the information:,, By the time you read this Google news will probably have a 1/2 dozen more.]
.. The Flathead River also has a large population of pike that are threatening the native Westslope Cutthroat and Bull Trout populations; read about it HERE.
.. The Montana Department of Fish Wildlife and Parks is watching the situation closely in an effort to fully understand the situation. Stay tuned. In the meantime downsize some marlin flies - change the colors a bit, and head for the JEFF!