Saturday, March 07, 2009

Switching Fish

Buy In A Down Market
good show
.. CARP ON THE FLY, run by the man with the best fly fishing name ever, John Montana, is back on the blogwaves after a bit of winter escapism.
.. He's acquired some new digs and is busy sorting out his flies after the move.
.. And then, he takes his dad fishing and gathers up some nice trout - now there's a switch.
.. He now has a "craft room" and has completed some 'Montana Carrots' - busy boy.
.. That guy knows how to live.
.. The last dozen posts by THE HORSE'S MOUTH have given us the willies. Is there a chance that the girls really are prettier in California? And wackier too?
.. In the "More To Come" department - [we hope.] April Vokey has added a blog to her site. The site, if you didn't know, is titled FLYGAL VENTURES. The blog only has one post and we're already intrigued.
.. Just another girl from Canada.
.. If you're so inclined, we suggest that you visit 'COWGRRRL' at A Drivel Runs Through It. It's full of fine photos, some Montana insights, and an interesting 'take' on the world. Just who is she?

Writer, editor and web content expert. Wannabe author, cowgirl and world traveler. Unrepentant fat chick. Idealist, dreamer, fighter. Atheist-pagan. Voluptuary. Committed to personal growth, social and environmental justice, and the pursuit of pleasure.

.. Give it a click for a bit of brilliance.
.. Well, it's time for pecan waffles, real maple syrup, a couple of sausage patties, strawberries and cream, and a quart of coffee. We need fortification for a venture into the light dusting of snow we received the last two days.