Friday, January 09, 2009

Busy Neighbors

not quite done
.. A new look, with new content, and new organization, is now available at That's the web address of the Firehole Ranch, located on Hebgen Lake, just west of town.
.. Lynda Cain purchased the ranch in 1999 to save it from being chopped up into little 20 acre chunks. Since then it has flourished as a retreat for those that can afford the gentility of escapist fly fishing.
.. Secluded, exclusive, charming, exclusive, remote, exclusive, plush, exclusive, romantic, exclusive, and captivating are concepts associated with the ranch in fly fishing lore.
.. The ranch has it all for the select few that can afford it's splendor. Classically trained chef's, (now celebrating their 20th season,) historic depth, Orvis endorsement, horse back touring, canoeing, bird watching, picnicking, and an activities manager all combine to insure and guarantee tranquility. [[ A visit to the sample menus page will have you drooling on your keyboard. The recipe page is under construction and will be available shortly - we hope! ]]
.. The Firehole Ranch, (previously 'Watkins Creek Ranch,') has a fly fishing tradition stemming back to 1947.
.. Careful stewardship and preservation of the land and buildings has produced an idyllic setting that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. [[ The site's history page is still under construction. ]]
.. Should you have the time, inclination, and money to visit an exceptional place - out of time - ring them up and make a reservation. There's only room for about 20 guests.
.. Women's Week 2009 is scheduled for August 1 - 5, enjoy!