Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fish The Rigs ?


New Habitat -- ??
montana leaves us just one day to comment
.. Via NewWest --> "State-owned land in and around Gallatin County could [be] up for oil and gas development — parcels that include the riverbeds of the Yellowstone and Boulder rivers".
.. Montana is considering the sale of School Trust State Lands for oil and gas leasing. The NewWest Article spills the beans. The map below shows the parcels.
.. As noted by the Greater Yellowstone Coalition much of the land surrounding the rivers is privately owned. HOWEVER, the riverbed is owned by the people of the state of Montana.
.. This comes rapidly on the heels of the Ruby River access tussle. Before you know it we'll not only have bass in the Firehole River, but jacks and redfish in the Yellowstone River. The fishing opportunities are endless. Think of the new revenue from heavy rods and 100# Stren. The mind boggles.