Thursday, May 29, 2008

Back At It

Alpers Entrenching
Pack Your Boat
.. Our friend Tim Alpers has gotten some help from the Mono County Development Council and is rapidly on his way to making the Conway Ranch along Highway 395 a new destination for California fishing. Read the whole story by Pete Thomas in the L.A. Times.
.. Lake fishers, big water river fishers, and daredevil rapids fishermen now have the opportunity to take it all with them.
.. Hammacher Schlemmer has a complete pontoon boat in a pack on sale for just $299.95.
.. If you're a flats type, or just have genes of the adventurous kind, try their inflatable kayak. Stand up for a better view. It's only $1,899.95
.. The Firehole River has provided some O.K. fishing for the opening week in Yellowstone National Park. Baetis in the afternoon and just about any double nymph rig all day.
.. It's picking up, and hatches are now making themselves apparent. We'll cruise, (and fish some,) tomorrow and let you know the full story.
.. Check out the fishing report at Madison River Outfitters for recent details about the week's fishing.
.. We like the little fly from up on the Missouri River called John's Baetis. It's quick to tie, casts like it isn't there and catches fish with the aplomb of a kid with a worm. It's featured by the Falls Outfitters - as tied by John Arnold. (Click HERE for the recipe.)