RSS For Babes With Books
A Pinup Collection
Thrill Driving
Kangaroo Scrotum
Rent An Island
Baby Beemer
.. You've seen the cute backpacks, the scrumptious cane rods, the sexy reels, the exotic feathers, the fancy tying desks, the barely affordable vests, and the other sundry and mundane gifts for the fly fisherman - right? If you need help in this category try
The Seattle Times Gift List.
.. Well get creative - - - try the following ultimate gifts. They don't have to cost a pile of scratch; but it helps.

.. Quiet, maneuverable, sneaky: a
personal blimp will aid your "blue lining" escapades. You can even get in on the ground floor and
invest in this thing. This radical concept will be one of the things that revolutionizes the fly fishing image.

.. Do you follow the insightful blog posts over at
BABES WITH BOOKS? NO? Well, here's your chance.
The RSS Feed will keep you abreast of developments in this shady realm. The I.Q. of most of our neighbors will also benefit from this addition to the feed reader. See, ultimate gifts don't

have to cost a bundle.
.. Have you seen those retro-pinups that grace the pages of blogs? Do you want to use some? Try the
Flickr Page that Anheuser has put together. There are nearly 200 wonderfully nostalgic images - even fishing. Try it, you'll like it.

.. For the fly fishers with a touch of adventure in their soul, the Supercar Thrill Ride might be just the gift. Bop on over to the UK and jump in a Lotus, Ferrari, or cruise around Silverstone. The Price? Between £125.00 and £95.00. Airfare not included, but you can spring for that too; rightoh! Click
HERE for the ride of a lifetime.

.. Depending on your personal tastes and the number that you purchase you can have an embossed
Kangaroo Scrotum for a Christmas stocking. This exotic rendition of the bulls balls sack is an excellent "possibles" bag. Keep your flask in it. Cover your new Bill Ballan reel with it. Use the small size for snacks and breath mints. It's a perfect place to keep your change. These pouches can be personalized with your logo and any corporate motto -
(can you see a 'Reel Pure' pouch?)
.. Should you choose to relax on your own island in the
South Pacific, it's possible to rent
"Villa Coralinna" on Moorea Island for the night or by the week. It's a real bargain at just $450/night and $3,150/week. This little island comes complete with housekeeping,

a canoe, and a diving mask.
.. On the other hand if the
Caribbean is more your style you could rent
Guana Island. This little bit of paradise is 850 acres and you can take 34 of your closest friends with you. Rates are stunningly low at just $23,000/night. There are also "Kids Weeks" so you can bring your juvenile buddies and fit right in. Hurry the 2008 calendar is filling up fast.

.. If your taste runs to the merely ostentatious, and you don't want to drive fast in the United Kingdom; it's still possible to have some home-grown fun on wheels. Just dial up the
Nieman Marcus Christmas Book and have them send you a
BMW M-6 convertible. With a V-10, 500 HP, and a trip to Germany to meet the designers of the the vehicle, (only 50 produced.) this is a bargain at just $139,000. Sadly,

you have to spend even more money for a trip to the famous Hofbrauhaus.
.. If the little BMW is just too tame for you, a flight with real Russians in real Russian jet fighters can be had. If that won't do, how about "ZERO GRAVITY?" For any where from $3,500 to $55,000 you can have these delights in your Christmas stocking.
.. (P.S. - If you have a spare $2,000,000 or need a loan for $15,000,000, you can buy your own Sukhoi SU-27 from the Ukraine.
Now there a real stocking stuffer.)