Sunday, September 23, 2007

Bring It On

A Too Pretty Morning
can this be it?
.. As visitors poured in and pounded the rivers of the west side of the park, the Saturday morning was just too pretty for fishing - and the fish knew it. As the day progressed clouds built from the west and the wind picked up and fishers left as the rain blew in on the swirling zephers around 2:30 PM. BAD CHOICE.
.. The Madison River yielded only a few precocious males at the Barns Holes and National Park Meadows in the morning. But by 4:00 PM some good fish had been taken at both locations and stories (unconfirmed,) of submarines podded-up at 9-mile hole. The fly of choice for the neighbors was a standard San Juan Worm. One 17" Brown Trout was taken on a double caddis rig - nothing fancy just a pair of Elk Hair Caddis about three feet apart - size 14. A hatch of small Midges, Caddis, and Baetis occured sparodically throughout the length of the Madison River in the park. We couldn't find any concentrations of bugs but our grill did. As the rain continues it's gentle cooling and soaking we expect that the fish in Hebgen Lake will figure it out. The ones in the river seem to be a bit friskier right now. We're headed back in just 5 hours. More tomorrow.
.. The Firehole River also had a summer morning and an autumn afternoon - fishing in the morning and catching in the afternoon. Most of the catching was near Dipper Cliff, just above Midway Geyser Basin, and in the Ojo Caliente runs and riffles. Subsurface fishers were successful with Feather Dusters, San Juan Worms, and Yellow Woolly Worms. The dry fly guys were armed with small midges and BWO's. Double fly rigs seem to be very popular this week. Excellent fish were taken at Dipper Cliff on a BWO/Midge combo - size 18 for both.
.. Here's a video of what may be the last day of summer fishing:

.. A hatch of momentous import has finally presented itself over at Fly Times - Congratulations!!
.. Ranger Gord Has Resurfaced with a tale of sex, horney old men and Robo Cop. We can't make this stuff up. Click HERE for the gruesome details.
.. The biscuits and gravy tasted much better this morning as we, (and the neighbors,) were distracted from our early breakfast by the return of FISH ON FRIDAY'S by la boca de caballo. Bless their hearts they gave us two lovely ladies to enjoy.