.. It promises: " . . . interviews with top guides, outfitters, retailers, and industry experts, the most essential information about the main rivers in Yellowstone (distilled) down to a page or two, provide continually updated information about the rivers in Yellowstone , including discussion of flows, current hatch data, the hottest flies, special changes – weather or management induced changes in access or regulations."
.. The home page gives a complete introduction to the site and provides an "How To" link for using the site. The Blog portion of the site looks interesting and should attract a good following... With Yellowstone's thousands of miles of shoreline, the more information - the better. It being August, we are eagerly awaiting the Bechler River and Falls River updates.

.. And, the flying ants are so numerous that they will splatter on your windshield to the point it's nearly impossible to see the pull-outs that are so full of cars that it's hard to find room for your own.
.. Only dedicated anglers will face the enormous shoals of fish so eager that they jump into your net with little or no provocation. It's true - the nuisance factors are so high that we suggest that you avoid the perils of the Gallatin River until the year 2009. Consider yourselves forewarned.

.. If eager fish in the 6" - 14" range are in your sights try the area around Virginia Cascades. These eager fish are enjoying good hatches and cool water. There is nothing exotic about this fishing - just be a bit stealthy in the thin water. Both along the road and in the meadows around Wolf Lake there are fish just eager to entertain.
.. This is fun fishing at its best and a single fly box and a bit of tippet material will be all the gear that you need.
.. If your legs are a bit better than ours take the trail to Trout Lake. Pick one of the ever more plentiful overcast days and you can almost be guaranteed a pleasant day of fishing - don't forget the bear spray.
.. This is the time of the year that we refer to the fine

.. Take the road to the Madison Arm Resort and be sure to stay on the roads that are not closed. The drive through the burned area of the Madison Arm Fire is far more dusty than usual but the trip is worth it. Right now you don't need a tube or a boat. The hour after the sun hits the water is the time to stroll the banks and cast to fish in the clear, still water.
.. The other side of the lake is also active, and depending on the wind direction can be expected to produce hatches until the early afternoon - of course success in catching is still dependent on wind for the later hours.
.. Over at The Horse's Mouth there is a picture that could change your mind about fishing from a pier. Then there's the snapshot of the Junior Bird Girls that could change your mind about Kite Boarding.
.. Over at Carp On The Fly we're informed that JJ is walking - there are indeed things more important than a fish on a hook! Good going JJ!
.. As Thee Hooked Whitey reminds us there is evil all around. Check the note about BP & Lake Michigan.
.. New West has an article by Montana State Senator Jon Tester about the continuing influx of people into Montana, (particularly Gallatin County,) and their actions and ideas about property rights. He doesn't mention the fact that it's his neighbors that are selling the land he's worried about. It's really hard for us to be indignant about folks from "other places" buying agricultural land when it's the folks from right here that's selling it to them! The extensive comments are well worth a read.
.. Well, it's 5:00, foggy and still as a church mouse - time for biscuits and gravy.