Fishermen Should Close The Firehole If The Park Won't

.. Don't fish the
Firehole River. Fish the
Gibbon River if you must - but only in the morning or evening. The
Madison River works but is fair to poor, (unless evening caddis is your game - then it's spectacular!).
Slough Creek is where it's at, for now, - and warming quickly, (can you say early hoppers?) Even
Soda Butte Creek is spiking into the high 80's, and becoming the most crowded river in the park - and that's saying something.
.. If you want consistent action and active fish in cold water there are few easily accessible waters. The
Gallatin River is popping at what is probably it's seasonal best.
Fan Creek is too low and too hot; the same for
Grayling Creek,
Duck Creek,
Iron Spring Creek, and the
Little Firehole. Leave the poor fish to their own devices - enough are dying already.
.. As people anticipate the opener on the
Yellowstone River, (July 15,) they should keep in mind that the current flow from the lake outlet is more than 1,500 cfs below the anticipated seasonal average. The river should fish well for a week or two, depending on weather and pressure.

.. It's a fine thing when the feather merchants fish. It's a better thing when they tell us about it. Visit
Bud Lilly's for a comprehensive area report. Check out
Madison River Outfitters for a bit of local insight into the Yellowstone scene, (and a very pretty cutthroat from
Slough Creek.) Bob Jacklin has revamped his
web page and expanded the
Yellowstone Waters section, (look for the new stuff at the fishing report tab.) Bob continues to hold his
free casting clinic every Sunday in West Yellowstone. The good folks at
Parks' Fly Shop are right on with this week's tip, click on over to see for yourself.

.. The
Horse's Mouth has put to shame the nay, (neigh?) sayers by bringing forth a plethora of posts ranging from a complete text of the Declaration Of Independence to some of the
finest wahines yet honored. Check out the photo of the surfing whale.

.. From
Protect Your Waters comes a note about the spread of Eurasian Milfoil into the waters of Montana. The original article is in
The Missoulian. The plant is only known from one body of water, (Noxon Reservoir,) at the current time and herbicide and drawing down the reservoir in the winter are being considered by Montana FWP officials.

.. The
Monterey County Herald lets us know about the
Extinction Stops Here roadshow. The show features a 25-foot long, (two ton,) replica of a Pacific King Salmon. It's currently playing at the Monterey Aquarium. The roadshow is part of a public education campaign by
Save Our Wild Salmon.