Saturday, May 12, 2007

Warm Again and Fish Signs

Yellowstone Lake Losing Its Ice
fine art photography at the horse's mouth
check out Vinny's story

.. All the signs of Spring are here. Rocky Mountain Bluebirds, Pelicans, Great Blue Herons, and other feathered friends are showing off in their spring haunts.
.. More importantly, "Ice Out" on Yellowstone Lake has reached the point of no return. Fish can be seen in the shallows and the Cutts are massing at the shallow outlet at Fishing Bridge. There are even 'leapers' at Le Hardy Rapids.
.. The rivers and streams are low, and the grass is green. This is the calm before the storms. There was a hint of a thunderstorm yesterday and when they start in earnest, we know it's time to head to the Park. Just a couple of more weeks.
.. The fishing on Hebgan Lake is spectacular at the end of the road on the west shore from Spring Creek all the way to Raumbagh. The discharge from all the ephemeral streams is attracting pods of fish that are eager to take just about anything that looks like food.
.. Most of the neighbors are using garden hackle. The fly folks are using Woolly Buggers and some large Stonefly nymphs. It seems to matter not. Fish are still in the three pound range, and both Brown Trout & Rainbow Trout are easily taken near the shore.
.. The Madison River water between the lakes is full of spawning fish. We don't fish there now. If you must; please don't wade, and please land your catch quickly and release it even faster.
.. Even The Horse's Mouth is showcasing a pelican this week in it's Fish On Friday feature. They also found a sterling art photo of a Swedish Sailor for our morning conversation.
.. The fine taste of The Trout Underground seems to be slipping a bit as they have dived into the mainstream of gastronomy and come up in a bit of a pickle. It seems their readers are ashamed to read about the growing gastronomic trends in the heartland. Kool-Aid Pickles - YUM!
.. On a much more sober note, TC is continuing the saga of Nestle is showing how $$$$$$ talks. Sad; now we can only anticipate that the water for fish is going to end up in a plastic bottle.
.. The folks at Flytimes lets us know about Vinny and the auction to help. Vinny has Canavan Disease and needs all of our help. The auction will get you some good gear, and Vinny some hope. The Water Swatters are heading up the effort, and have established the V-Bay site.