Thursday, May 31, 2007

Field & Stream Copies Yellowstone

.. Mid Current has let the cat out of the bag. Fishing maps are the wave of the future and soon even the "secret" places will be well known - as if they aren't already. The functionality of our maps include: the ability to search for locations, add local names, and download the data base - you can literally make your own map from ours - enjoy.
.. We hope that Field and Stream will catch up soon. We're pleased to have pioneered this innovation. Watch it spread.

PS - Everything that you've heard about the fantastic fishing in Yellowstone, (particularly the Firehole River,) is true. PMD's are prolific and on schedule, Baetis are peeking out and getting thicker, stoneflies are beginning to pop, several kinds of caddis are already apparent, and there is no bad place to fish. Mega-report tomorrow for the weekend.