Monday, January 01, 2007

AHW TIME in Yellowstone


AHW To The Rescue
who'd 'a known?

.. After some rest & refreshments; and whilst reviewing blog statistics for the past year, a note of concern slowly crept into our Psyche.
.. TIME, (the magazine - and all of its corporate power,) is watching us! And, not afraid to show it.
.. Of the last 100, or so, visitors from around the world: visitor # 14,402 this year was a spy from the legitimate media. They were probably looking to see if we did right by their person of the year.
.. Additional snooping in the statistics showed that there was an unseemly number of referrals from AHW. Using all of our powers of investigative reporting we sneaky-footed to the "BLACK DOMAIN" and discovered that verily there was another blog worthy of note. A blog that, indeed would probably qualify for the cover.
.. Not wanting to offend Mr. Richard D. Parsons ** a talented lawyer, or others in the Hallowed Halls of the legitimate press, we have emended our post about fly fishing blogs.
..The magazine cover should really have featured a representative blog of sterling quality, innovative reporting, blinding insight, herculean prose, and mass appeal.
..To correct this error we show below the way TIME should have done it!
We should'a stolen a fish for the cover.
**Before joining Time Warner, Mr. Parsons was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Dime Bancorp, Inc., one of the largest thrift institutions in the United States. Previously, he was the managing partner of the New York law firm Patterson, Belknap, Webb & Tyler. Prior to that, he held various positions in state and federal government, as counsel for Nelson Rockefeller and as a senior White House aide under President Gerald Ford. Mr. Parsons received his undergraduate education at the University of Hawaii and his legal training at Union University's Albany Law School.