Sunday, June 11, 2006


Madison Quickens
Gibbon very stable
river reports and rumors

· Of course it has to happen; the Yellowstone Park rain has slowed fishing just a bit. Some people just don’t fish, some don’t fish as hard, and some tell stories. We fished a bit today, then told stories, then went to town to enjoy some of the local whistle wetter's.
· The Firehole River collected enough rapid runoff to deepen it’s color a bit and nearly double its discharge. There were a few brave souls, and some silly ones too, (we plead guilty to the latter,) that fished through some torrential rains. It was a “WASHOUGAL DAY’ - minus the Steelhead and the deep pools. This morning the river gauge shows it has slowed again, and the thunderstorms of last night have abated. We look for fishing to improve this afternoon and evening. There are still stoneflies in the canyon and along the road. We’re headed back in to verify our silliness.
· We have spoken to no one that has fished Nez Perce Creek in the last couple of days. The forest pond should have fish in it, and we intend to visit it mid-week or later: weather and mosquitoes permitting.
· The Madison River absorbed the discharge from the Firehole and the Gibbon without too much damage. Visibility is about 18” - 30” and if the sun comes out before noon tomorrow there might be some PMD action. If it stays blustery and broken we’ll be blessed with another Baetis swarm. We have reports of Salmonflies in the rapid sections around the talus turn-out, and Mt. Haynes. More to follow.
· The Gibbon River provided us with grand entertainment yesterday, and we are going to return for more this afternoon. We intend to catch our annual Grayling, and then stalk the big meadows for some larger fish. Rain gear is certainly in order.
· We occasionally cruise the web for news and entertainment from other fishing blogs. We’re sorry to hear from the folks at The Trout Underground that the Upper Sac has decided to be recalcitrant in clearing this year. They have been getting the same storms that we are and the mountains there are wringing out the clouds in an efficient manner. However, they have found us a place that allows us to "Sleep With The Fishes."
· The kind people at Moldy Chum always have something interesting to report. And for a reality check visit TroutGrrrl at Science & Sarcasm.
-- Well it's time for pecan waffles, a couple of eggs, biscuits and gravy, coffee, milk, and maybe some marmalade on toast. Then back to the battle. It's another gray day and if the clouds break this morning the PMD hatch will be dispersed but reliable. If it gets grungy in the afternoon the Baetis will burst forth. Hope springs eternal.