Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Paradox Of Choice

Which One ?
maybe get two ?
"The paradox of choice is an observation that having too many options to choose from, rather than making people happy and ensuring they get what they want, can cause them stress and engender problematic decision-making."
.. Here we are in mid winter and it's warm. Snow is coming and melting at the same time.The mind wanders to springtime fishing and what gear to get ready. We think about our hoard of rods, reels, lines, flies and other accouterments that need to be readied for the opening.
.. Aha! Selections in this day and age are greater than ever. We think that there are more types of gear than at any other time in history - certainly more than in recent memory.
.. What a wonderful world. Enormous amounts of gear and accessories. Enormous amounts of manufacturers. Enormous amounts of vendors. Enormous amounts of experts. Enormous amounts of destinations and locations. Zowie - boy we are blessed!
Autonomy and Freedom of choice are critical to our well being, and choice is critical to freedom and autonomy. Nonetheless, though modern Americans have more choice than any group of people ever has before, and thus, presumably, more freedom and autonomy, we don't seem to be benefiting from it psychologically, ( — quoted from Ch.5, The Paradox of Choice, 2004)
.. We see this frequently. Which one to buy. How much to spend. Maybe we should think about it for a while. We'll ask the neighbors. We'll ask the counter help. We'll search the web. We'll read a book or two. Etc., etc.
.. From 'Choice Overload' to 'Buyer's Remorse' there is a range of anxieties that can result from our selection of gear. Hell, there is even the on stream penis fly rod envy. The glance askance toward the tackle in the parking lot, the walk to the stream, and other opportunities.
.. We even note the concept, (rapidly growing over the last decade,) that 'BETTER' gear makes a better fisher. To cite the photographer's insight. "Question: what camera is the best camera? Answer: the one that's in your hand!)
.. Better fishers are made by fishing. Better casters are made by casting. Long ago, (in San Diego,) we saw a famous fly fisher cast the full length of a fly line by using a plumber's friend, (that bathroom plunger we all know and love.)
.. We would suggest that all of us have all the gear that we need. We often wonder if we confuse what we need with what we want. Ah, the curse of affluence!
.. We have mud instead of packed snow leading into the winter fishing spots. The combination of snow, rain and high mid day temperatures provides goop on the trail and slush on the roads. Of course, night time temperatures bless us with some black ice and slick roads.
.. The mid day rush to the grocery store and the Post Office is a wonder to behold. Folks are even walking around town and, of course, some kids are wearing short pants. The high country snow pack seems to be building and avalanches are frequent.