Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Special Interests

That's You
madison river spotlight
.. The common phrase "follow the science" is insidious in it's pretense that science is somehow a magic arbitrator of decision making.
.. Science is as political as any other human endeavor. Is medicine political? Ask the AMA! Are refereed scientific papers political? Ask the referees! Is particle physics political? Ask Einstein! (oops - Franklin D. Roosevelt.)
.. Special interests of all stripes influence the human existence at all levels. From the personal level, family level, neighborhood level, town level, state level, national level, and international level - all are influenced by competing interests.
.. Special interests need not be organized into formal groups of people. In all the the world the success of special interests is directly proportional to the political power and money of the interest. Deny it if you choose but it's how we do things.
.. Politics can be based on personal or,  religious or,  magical or,  transcendental or,  artistic or,  any other internalized human belief system. Alliances with other like minded individuals for political parties: Democrat, Republican, Baptist, Islamist, Dental, Medical, etc. are associations of interests that can and do form political groups.
.. Right now there is a political morality play dancing before our eyes. The concerns, (real or imagined,) about the use of the Madison River are being litigated politically in the press, the state house, the DFWP, and pubs in our neighborhood. Special interest groups, (including the supposed professionals of fish,) are jostling each other for priority positions in rule making about river usage.
.. So far the political clamor has centered around fish and fishing issues. Groups of fishers, guides, outfitters, and such have become amalgamated and disbanded for personal, cultural, social, economic and even religious parameters.
.. The 'United Kayak Paddlers' have not been heard from - yet! Nor indeed, have the beaver lovers, alfalfa irrigators, tube bobbers, bathers, been heard from in any organized fashion. Probably not enough religiosity or money.
.. We will continue to watch the hi-jinx as the most interested political group, (the Montana Department of Fish Wildlife and Parks.) tries to herd the cats into the corral.
.. Our state has agencies and departments that could realistically address the supposed concerns of the interests involved in this business, (LINK.)
.. Some of these could probably do a better job than the politically motivated localized one that is trying to tame the current cage of lions. We would suggest the following would do a better job and allow the FWP to be a competing voice rather than a politically vested special interest:
Department of Natural Resources and Conservation,
Department of Environmental Quality,
Department of Labor and Industry.
.. It's time for the locally owned FWP personnel be removed from their pseudo-role of arbitrator. It's time for them to get in line with the other special interests and submit to a more politically sane process to deal with Madison River public usage.
.. There are more stakeholders in this matter than just a few hundred guides and outfitters. There are more stakeholders than the few thousand local fisher folks. There are more stakeholders than the land owners along this publicly owned water resource. There are more stakeholders than the boaters and tubers. There are more stakeholders than the many thousands of tourists that use the river.
.. The most important stakeholders  in the Madison River are the residents of the State of Montana. These are the folks that pay taxes for the state agencies. These are the folks that matter most. These are our neighbors and they treasure this and all of our waters. These are the people that own the water. It's the law. It is written into the constitution. It's use does not belong to a single interest group - no matter how well organized or, well funded.
.. The Madison River is a Montana treasure. This is the "Treasure State" and the treasure of the Madison River is in its multiple uses and, it's attractive setting: no matter what the fisher folk believe. There may even be room for some science  -- as well as sociology, conservation, visitation,etc.
.. Although the manifestations of competing usage are delivered locally, the real problems are impacting all of the treasures of our state. Our state has the opportunity to address the current situation with a view to the future. The population of Montana is growing. The visitation of folks from around the world is constantly increasing.
.. Broad principles of inclusive use need to be applied. Neither private nor state agency interests should be given priority in the decisions or rule making. It's time for the Governors office and the State Legislature to step in and provide the leadership necessary. All of our state treasures deserve no less.
.. We suggest that the situation be evaluated in the broadest of terms. We take this opportunity to thank MOLDY CHUM, (LINK,) for highlighting an article in the Missoulian, (LINK.)