Friday, August 30, 2019

The Other News

Expand Logging
salmon love tongass
.. Since last July a bit of news seems to be flying under the radar. It's a simple story. USDA has been ordered to expand logging and open the Tongass National Forest to mining and, drilling for oil and gas.
.. Earth Justice has continued to champion the "Roadless Solution" eliminated by the ninth circuit court in the Bush administration. The roadless solution keeps logging out of areas with no roads.
.. Now, expansion of roads and more logging are proposed by the current administration in order to increase the logging of old growth forest.
.. There should be no need to point out the damage to streams that is done by road erosion. There should be no need to point out the effects of removing carbon sponges from the world's largest temperate rain forest (it's in Alaska folks.) We know these things.
.. We did not know that:
"From 2008 through 2013, the Forest Service spent $139.1 million for timber sales in the Tongass that brought returns of only $8.6 million. In short, taxpayers are losing 93 cents for every dollar spent selling ancient Tongass trees." {{LINK}}
.. It is estimated that 40% of he wild salmon left in Alaska use the headwaters of streams in the Tongass National Forest. These are streams in roadless areas in the forest. There are about twenty wilderness areas in the Tongass National Forest.
.. The current administration is actively working to exempt all of the forest from protections currently in place. We thank MOLDY CHUM for pointing out this other news[LINK.]
Earth Justice - 1
Earth Justice - 2 
127 Lawsuits for environmental salvation
USDA Description
.. So, this Labor Day weekend promises to be the warmest in recent memory. Temperatures in the mid to upper 80's are going to bring additional hoards of visitors to Yellowstone National Park.
.. Fish will be in the dark and shady waters of our west side streams.
.. We suggest that you avoid the park for fishing and catching: have a picnic, hike a little, visit geysers, eat ice cream.
.. Should you choose to indulge in the practice of torturing trout in a heat wave please keep them wet LIKE THIS, and THIS.