Saturday, March 30, 2019

Small Balls

Strangely Familiar
just good food
WALLPAPER:  Polpettine & Pasta
.. As a general rule Italians, in Italy,  do not eat meatballs and spaghetti at the same time and on the same plate. The spaghetti and meatballs that are so popular in America are an innovation from the late 18th century. [Probably in New York with the influx of Italian immigrants.]
.. However in a couple of regions in Italy very small, (marble sized,)  meatballs are served alongside pasta. Calabria deep in the south and the Abruzzo region serve these little marble sized meatballs alongside the pasta and gravy.
.. Abruzzo is often considered the northernmost of southern Italy - even if it is in the central part of the peninsula. Interestingly; the food and social customs are similar as well. Spices, dishes, etc. are very much alike.
.. We like it.
.. The pounded snow and mud puddle trails Between The Lakes are getting more traffic. More folks are fishing near Quake Lake and gathering up a range of fish sizes.
.. There are no reports of monster submarines during the last few days - perhaps over this weekend.
.. Some midges are still flitting about. Most fish are being taken on common subsurface flies like the Prince Nymph, GRHE and pink Feather Dusters.
.. A word to the adventurous: check out the new post on the Parks' Fly Shop web page.
.. A new series has been inaugurated: "WEIRD FISHERIES." These are the 'not secret' but seldom fished places that provide a respite from the elbow clogged roadside attractions that are easy to fish and fill the guide books and,  the pearls of wisdom from counter help at the local feather merchants.
.. The first location is one that we visit once each year. Early in the fishing season we take a trip to park headquarters at Mammoth. On the way home we stop in Swan Lake Flats and spend an hour or so chasing bright little Brook Trout.
.. These little jewels are in weed beds and under the banks in very thin water. They are usually just one cast fish.  Spunky little spooks they are!
.. It stretches our legs and at that time of day the hikers and other walkers have abandoned the squishy wet meadows. Makes us feel adventurous.
.. It's as dark as can be and in the middle of the night - or so it seems. The neighbor kids have thundered on the door and offered to make the coffee and fry the eggs if I do the dirty dishes.
.. They are off to stalk the skwalla frenzy up the road a bit. It's a three day adventure to the great unwashed lowlands of the north. We wish them the best.