Tuesday, February 05, 2019

A Piggy Year

Snow Depth Up
snow water too
.. We're in the midst of an apparently Spring snowfall. The temperatures are in the high 20's and low 30's. The snow is wet enough for snowballs. The accumulation over the last few days has been in the low 'teens.
.. The forecast for the next few days is for another 20 or so inches. The high country is holding some snow and our maps show us at or near normal for the year, [LINK.]
.. We've had a nice run of cool nights and the surface slush has frozen on Hebgen Reservoir. This makes the ice fishers happier than they have been for the last few weeks.
.. Large Mountain Whitefish and even larger trout have been squeezed through little auger holes in the ice.
.. Catching has been concentrated around the narrows rather than closer to the dam where the water is deeper. Conventional wisdom has it that this is because of the high inflow from the Grayling Creek. The discharge into the estuary has been so high and so warm that a couple of neighbors even took out a tube. Caught fish too. Need a snowmobile but, neoprene waders will keep you warm ???
.. There is  even a single local feather merchant selling "Killer Rigs" that are hauling them in. Most of the neighbors gather up their rigs and other tackle at the marina, = better selection and prices.
.. Visitors are proliferating at the snow ride entrepreneur's guide shops. Sledheads are roaring into the deep powder of the Continental Divide. Avalanches are a daily occurrence. No deaths yet this year - only a couple of rescues - been a quiet season so far.
.. We missed the most boring Super Bowl ever. We hitched a ride into Yellowstone National Park. Nice gentle day and even saw Old Faithful erupt. Might do it again next Super Bowl.