Thursday, January 17, 2019

Gettin' Any ?

Fish Need Water
so do folks
.. Way up here in our little corner of the 'Dakota Splinter,' (also known as 'Lost Dakota,') we enjoy watching the weather.
.. Some enjoy it more than others but, it's always a guaranteed topic of conversation.
.. The conversations usually include the topic of snow and rain and recently; "We need some."
.. We are, right here, still in a drought. Have been for about 9 years. It has to do with the weather shadow caused by the Continental Divide. In global terms it's insignificant.
.. The area around us, mostly, has left the drought behind us - lo these last 5 years - or so. But, it's still too dry.
.. Some fisher folks obsess about the weather and available surface water, (guilty.) Farmers do too. There's not much we can do about it but we watch!
.. The United States Department of Agriculture helps us with our watching by publishing a page of maps giving the current conditions. Our page is HERE. The maps are adjusted on a seasonal basis.
.. As soon as we can figure it out, (with the help of the kids,) we will post a link in our masthead. Then you can skip the drivel and go straight to the information.
.. We are getting a small snowfall. May get about 10" this week. We obsessive types know that it's not just what comes down but what also runs off. Right now it's still too warm for our tastes. The streams are still running high and the water is headed away from here. Were it not for the soil moisture content the trees would die.
.. We'll keep you informed.