Saturday, April 07, 2018

Under Bank

Sneaky On The Shore
get out the biggies
..As our spring runoff builds with each warm day a very special opportunity exists for taking large trout with a minimum of effort.
.. The speed of water in a river varies with it's proximity to it's confining structure. The banks and the bottom have the slowest water. Dead center in the channel  - below the surface - is the fastest part of the river.
.. By gum, Tiffany, the fish know this. The trout are pretty savvy about getting food delivered to them. Tucked deep under the bank they can rest, poised for action, and peer from darkness into light as they wait for groceries to drift by.
.. It takes only the correct approach and a bit of gear adjustment to gather up these resting giants. First off, the stuff in the grocery bag must be attractive enough to move a comfortable fish from it's hide. So then, lash on something big and tasty.
.. The general rule, (it even seems to work,) is that the darker the water then the darker the fly. It's corollary is: the quicker the water - the bigger the fly. Groceries is as groceries does.
.. In some bits of the channel there are protected segments of water that are much more clear than the main stem of the river. AHA, a little smaller and a little lighter will be enough groceries.
.. Adjustments to your gear are simple but in some ways counter intuitive. A short heavy rod, (6' or, 7' or, 71/2',) and a short heavy leader, (sans tippet,) will do the job. The length of leader should approximate the depth of the water - weight will be required.
.. Technique is a bit of a nuisance in the current muck of our river banks. Because of the slow water under the banks sound is felt more easily by the fish. There are no splashings against boulders or rumblings of cavitation boils that occur in mid stream.
.. Duck walking, belly slithering, crouch waddling and other forms of stealth are mandatory. If you are familiar with the river then be sure to stay away from the submerged real estate of the undercut.
.. A couple of short casts, (mere flips in some cases,) should gather up the submarines. Squirming along the bang will allow coverage of the real estate in short order. Back feeding line at the end of the drift is also productive in some instances. Very short lengths of line payed out with a jerk or two can produce eruptive strikes - even at the surface, [[remember the "Leisenring Lift"?]]
..  Setting the hook is seldom a problem in this type of catching. Just keep the hook very sharp and the line as short as possible consistent with a fair drift. Yes the rivers are going to be out of shape for some time - BUT - that doesn't mean that the fish quit eating.
.. We had an altogether perfect Spring day, freezing rain was followed by periods of snow and sun. The sidewalks are wet and slick and the kids in short pants are having a dickens of a time controlling their skateboards.
.. It's late and dinner will have to wait. Makes breakfast all the more satisfying.