Thursday, March 22, 2018

Some Simple Facts

Pork For All
our banana republic
.. The simple truth of the matter is about to show us just who populates our Congress.
.. We wonder if there are any honest members, (of either party or either house,) in our Congress that will tell the truth? Can they pass a law without reading or debating it?
.. Yes indeed Melissa, our Congress has, (again,) just produced a giant omnibus bill.
.. Congress has, (yet again,) bypassed the orderly and thoughtful process prescribed by law and the rules of our Congress.
.. The orderly, reasoned and, transparent way the budget process is set up is to:
  . . . . .   work is through the House and Senate appropriations committees. 
   Twelve bills -- corresponding to the 12 subcommittees on the Appropriations Committee -- that fund the various pieces of the federal government for the next fiscal year are supposed to be debated and voted on in committee and then by the full chambers. All of this work is supposed to be done by October 1.

>> The current proposed spending bill has 2,322 pages,
>> It plans to spend about 1.3 Trillion Dollars,
>> It includes things other than budget items,
>> It has not been debated,
>> It has seen no airing in either committees or chambers,
>> It must be passed within the next 48 hours to avoid government shutdown,
>> Simple math:
If every lawmaker stayed up for 48 straight hours -- the time, roughly, between when the so-called "omnibus" bill was unveiled and when it needs to be passed -- they would need to read an average of 48 pages per hour, every hour, to read the entire thing. 
>>  Some members of Congress sometimes scan the bills they vote on,
>>  The way Congress allocates money across the federal government is badly broken,
>>  By law  and precedent the budget must be completed by October 1 each year for the following year,
>> 76% of polled Americans disapprove of the way Congress is doing their job, [LINK-D]
>> American voters continue to elect these folks,
>> Read the bill, [LINK-B]
>> We haven't read all of it yet.
.. Have a nice day and spread some joy. Send an email to your members of Congress congratulating them on their speed-reading abilities.
.. Go out and fish today and relax in the knowledge that your elected representatives are assiduously doing their jobs in an exemplary fashion.
.. We're pleased to be a citizen of the world's largest banana republic.