Friday, October 27, 2017


Moldy Chum Alert
this aint your land ?

.. Quick: buzz over to MOLDY CHUM and see their note about landlocked public lands.
.. One referenced article by Bloomberg Businessweek is staggering in it's scope. This is only going to get worse unless a concerted effort is made by citizen stakeholders.
.. We were aware of the problem in a vague way but the extent of the trend took us aback.
.. A mixed blessing has descended upon the fishers of fish: weather so salubrious that sight seeing is attractive and sun so bright that fish are seeking the depths and the dark. We'll cope.
.. For the headhunters on the Madison River seeking runners from Hebgen Reservoir it is necessary to "GET DOWN."
.. Many fish are missed by using the correct fly and swimming it above the parked submarines. The old adage of 'hit 'em in the nose,' is applicable at this time.
.. For those folks on the Firehole River who wonder why there are no noses among the flies hatching at the surface; the same applies. The best advice for both groups is to catch a few rocks to be sure that you are deep enough.
.. Personal preference will dictate whether you use a long leader, added weight or, a sink tip line.
.. We prefer a short section of lead core between the fly line and the short leader. This allows the fly to be very near the bottom and keeps the line and leader on the bottom. Fewer rocks get caught this way. Poor rocks = stabbed in their bed.
-- For the brave: the Gallatin River above the confluence meadows has some monstrous fish hiding in the shallow bends of the willow thickets. Smart fishers carry bear spray and travel in packs. They sing, (mostly off key,) and guffaw loudly at sick jokes and ribald tales.
-- The moose are not as tall as some of the willows and the bears are rooting around and eating anything possible to get fat for their winter sleeping. There are fish of heroic proportions to be had.
.. It's way too early again. Something about entering maturity. The coffee, (such as it is,)  is stinking up the kitchen and breakfast needs making. We have a fresh canister of bear spray and some neighbors to sing the songs.