Saturday, April 01, 2017

Destination Archipelagos

Fresh & Salt Water
inexpensive destination
.. Shortly after WWII the biological research division of the United States Geological Survey was asked by the Army Corps Of Engineers to collaborate in a project for island survival in the Pacific Ocean.
.. In order to accomplish this goal three sparsely occupied archipelagos were selected and survival constraints were studied and detailed.
.. To make a very long story very short the major discovery was that most isolated islands are not habitable because of a lack of viable protein in the diets of the putative survivors.
.. In a series of clandestine survival experiments over a period of thirty years several isolated islands had their fauna augmented.
.. Pigs, parrots, goats, fish, reptiles, dogs, and cats were used to explore the possibilities of protein sources for the isolated islands.
.. Just recently the experiments were terminated and the results published, (LINK-1, LINK-2.) Not surprisingly it was fish that proved to be most viable in augmenting available protein sources.
.. The EPA has supervised the cleanup of the islands and approved the final restoration of the indigenous fauna. The single bit of the experiment that was not removed was the aquatic species.
.. There are four species of fish and several invertebrates that were not practical to remove.
.. Happily these fish readily come to the fly and, (at the moment,) are not easily spooked.
.. One species is strictly an ocean dweller. It hangs out close to shore, schools, eats a wide variety of food and, is easily taken in the shallows. The Inshore Mackerel, (up to 15 pounds,) is similar to it's other relatives and demands an educated palate should you choose to eat it. On the other hand it is a strong fish and will satisfactorily bend your rod for longer than is enjoyable.
.. Two species are anadromous. The Hybrid Shad, (up to 8 pounds,) and the Tropical Cutthroat Trout, (up to 7 pounds.) Both of these species are the result of breeding programs based on fish from California, (LINK-3,) and Oregon, (LINK-4.) and Washington.
.. The single freshwater fish is the Largemouth Bass that was introduced from the coastal counties of Texas, (LINK-5.)
.. These bass occupy the fresh water springs and rivers. Some of the larger bass, (up to 11 pounds,) are found in brackish water along the rocky coasts. These are the second most populous fish on those islands where there are large brackish lagoons inside the reef.
.. There are some small occasional surges of pelagic fish that are seasonally available. There is also a resident population of Bonefish on the very small flats on a couple of the islands.
..  The surprising thing about these destinations is that transportation, (although rather complex,) is in the free to very little range.
>> China Fishing Destinations,
>> Spratly Islands Sport Fishing,
>> American Travel Associates,
>> Exotic Fish & Fisheries Guide Service.
.. Our local rivers have slowed overnight and rumors have it that Taylor Fork has a full three feet of visibility. Perhaps now is the time.
.. However, in an alternate universe, there will be fish at the discharge fan of Snowflake Springs. We'll see.
.. Happy April 01, 2017 