Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Solid 1st and 2nd

Keep Thine Arms
read between the lines
.. We're watching closely as a nominee for Secretary of Interior talks out of both sides of his mouth.
Keep this in mind:
.. Amendment I of the United States Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, the press, and speech. It grants the rights to peaceably assemble and to petition for redress of grievances. Nice work founders!
.. Amendment II of the United States Constitution protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms. There has been some confusion about punctuation between ratified versions but recent Supreme Court decisions have cleared that up.
.. People across the nation and in the blog-sphere unfamiliar with the record of Ryan Zinke have been swayed by his campaign rhetoric and his well rehearsed testimony before congress.
.. He's well within his rights to say whatever he likes. This is his Constitutional entitlement. There is however a real question about the difference between his speech behavior and other behaviors - like voting records.
.. We don't much like his record for voting to kill fish on the North Fork of the Flathead River, [LINK-1.]
.. We don't much savor his supporting role for the "anti-parks caucus" in congress either [LINK-1.]
.. We're confused, as are his Republican colleagues, about other things as well. We've seen him on both sides of the fence when it comes to discussions about our right to bear arms [LINK-2.]
.. We note he is headed to Utah to review some recent actions regarding public lands. We also note that Utah is the stronghold of the ideology that wants to restrict fishing access and also is a bastion for the privatization of federal lands.
.. The website Verbatim has been watching this cute little song and dance for some time now [LINK-3.] Slippery is as slippery does.
.. We are going to wait and see just which Zinke emerges in his office as Secretary Of Interior - if confirmed. We caution our readers to watch closely. This tap dance could be entertaining and potentially destructive.
.. Most of our neighbors have seen his bewildering attitude here at home. It's a shame that the folks who get their politics from the T.V. don't dig a little deeper.
.. Of course Montana Democrats, and even our local fishers and sportsmen are making hay from his double speak. It's the 'words vs. deeds' stage play that is a conundrum for the uninformed [LINK-4.]
.. The Montana Wilderness Association has provided us with a complete precis of verbiage vs. voting behavior [LINK-5.]
.. Well as the mid winter melt continues to erode our snow pack we shall go to the fishin' hole and enjoy the mixed blessing of good catching and diminishing spring runoff.