Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Keeping Score

The Contract
track first 100 days
From Wikipedia
.. There are many proposed presidential actions that potentially affect the American fly fisher.
.. President Trump has published his contract with the American Voter [LINK-1.] We reproduce it below.
.. The "Track Trump" website [LINK-2.] is a straightforward tool for tracking the actions promised in the President's contract. It is quick and easy to follow and will alert the activist fly fisher to impeding actions, actions in progress, and completed actions.

Their stated goals are:
1) Isolate actual policy changes from rhetoric and political theater. We will avoid covering tweets, public statements, and anything else that distracts from actual policy as much as we can.
2) Utilize a digital dashboard to accurately and concisely track and communicate those changes. Evaluating progress against stated goals in an easy-to-digest way works well in the business world, and we are optimistic it will be helpful here.
3) Hold the current administration accountable for the promises they have made to the American voter.
.. There is no excuse for not being informed. There is less excuse for taking no action.
.. You can start here, [LINK-3.] As was predicted  here, [LINK-4.]

.. There's just time between the second pot of coffee and some snow-catching to email our congressman and senators.