Thursday, November 19, 2015

Elbows Aplenty

Amazing Record Stats
more buses for sure
.. Even from a great distance it is easy to follow the traffic and visitor load in Yellowstone National Park.
.. The modestly revamped Yellowstone National Park Website is fully modern and quite comprehensive. It is designed primarily for visitors and their current or anticipated visit. Navigation is nicely structured by the webmaster to show off the park. There are even seasonally adjusted topical headers and, the site index is nearly complete.
.. The fishing and fisheries science in the park section is reorganized with useful headers and links. The photos are mostly the same but they are larger.
.. Of course scattered around most pages are links to social media and other places to visit on line.
.. Whilst visiting the visitation statistics page we were not shocked to discover that so far this is a record year. Visitation is approaching 4,000,000 visitors.

.. Last week's news release notes that October was an unanticipated busy month and that a greater number of buses and tours have been using the park.
We're not too surprised.
.. With the change in weather patterns, lower fuel prices, and increased visitation from overseas we anticipate that this is the start of a trend.
.. Even now the neighbors are discussing when to visit and when not to visit Yellowstone National Park.
.. Both the time and date are important, (weather permitting.) For those of us fortunate enough to live nearby it's not a huge factor -- then again!
.. Europe, Great Britain  and other places have been shaken by the recent events and '#Je Suis Chien' and '#Je Suis Diesel' are making inroads across the bleeping social media.(LINK)
.. Even ISIS and ISIL messages are going viral on the east side of the pond. 'Tis a dangerous world that we live in.
.. Wind doth roil the water.