Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Other Madison

Visitors Headed For Lowlands 
our largest river fish
.. Neighborhood tradition separates the South Fork of the Madison River into two segments: above, and below the highway. This separation covers part of the middle course and all of the lower course of the river.
It's Hornberg Heaven
..  Hydrologically and physiographically there are four distinct river segments: never mind though, above and below works just fine.
..  With the snow on the ground many  of the neighbors are headed below the road for the chance at some of the largest fish to enter the tributaries of the upper Madison River drainage.
.. Prospecting and observation are the modes of fishing right now. Only the smartest local guides abandon their paying sports for the opportunity to locate and prick one of the legendary South Fork fish.
Correct Stick
.. In days of yore there was a foot of snow, (or more,) on the trails by Halloween night. Snowmachines were the mode of transportation. Giant trout were the regular quary. It was a neighborhood thing.
.. Only recently have a few brave souls from foreign lands and distant metropolises ventured into the South Fork drainage: with mixed poor results.
.. Below the road some of the best access is through private land: it's a neighborhood thing. Above the road most of the intertwined trails lead to dead ends or back where you started; it's a neighborhood thing.
The Neighborhood Choice
.. Thick willows, steep banks, soggy marshes, abandoned railroad trestles, deadfall lodgepole pines, and deep grass guard the access to the best hides and holes: it's a neighborhood thing.
.. The big fish that run up this little stream usually start about now. The best catching, i.e., fish density, is the last week or so of the open season. In another two or three weeks.
.. The old stage stop on the low stage road, above the highway, provides good access.  The wide spots along Reas Pass Canyon on the old railroad grade are sometimes snow free. Snowmobiles are possible right now but there are long stretches of bare ground to traverse.
.. We'll wait a week or so and visit some of the local neighbors. Chat a spell and then visit the stream.