Saturday, March 07, 2015

Not With A Ten Foot Pole

1,700,000 Tons/Year And Growing
eating poop, pellets, mud & weeds

.. Over the last 20 years the tilapia has become the number four fish eaten in the United States. It has recently caught up with trout and salmon.  Canned tuna is more popular. Tilapia is farmed around the world and is one of China's leading exports.
.. From pharaonic times to the present the Nile Tilapia has been the foundation of widespread aquaculture. The other North African species, (Mozambique and Blue,) have recently been added to the genetic stew of fish farming around the world. There is even a Rocky Mountain Tilapia, (Nile tilapia + blue tilapia hybrid,) that tolerates cooler water temperatures than the original tropical species. The free hybridization among the various species and hybrids has produced fish adapted to a wide range of conditions.
.. There are tilapia in the Salton Sea of California that thrive in salinity that would kill pelagic fish of the oceans. The hybrids are fast growing, eat mostly anything, are easy to catch and have been subjected to sex change tactics to enhance size and reduce unwanted female fish.
.. Most of the farms in China and Latin America are crowded fin to fin and produce enormous negative environmental impacts. The fish are often sick and frequently fed chicken feces and pig feces as well as corn and soy. The farms are producing fish eaten by us using practices that are illegal in the United States. There is probably a frozen sack of shi.. tilapia in your neighborhood supermarket.
.. Eating a farm raised tilapia is worse for your health than eating bacon  --  for those that care. Methyltestosterone is widely used as is a whole suite of antibiotics designed to keep the fish alive in their toxic environments. The possibility of salmonella strains resistant to antibiotics is looming on the horizon.
.. Contemporary efforts in the United States, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Canada are pushing the limits of "clean" fish farming of tilapia. With, of course, governmental support. Perhaps tilapia is the fish of the future.
.. Feedlot cows, pigs, chickens, ducks, turkeys, etc. are the mainstay of the American diet. They are full of both good and bad things. The detriments are forgotten because a rib eye steak in no way resembles a cow rolling around in it's own feces. Pork shoulder and ham steaks look far more appetizing than some swine wallowing in their own muck. We love it and we eat it.
.. Contemporary industrialized tilapia processing is quick, efficient, and ultra sanitary. Processing in many countries around the world takes place on kitchen tables, in drainage ditches, or other less than appetizing environs. It behooves the consumer of any farmed tilapia to know the source. And, know the source beyond just the country of origin.
.. We prefer not to eat the fish: given the practice of dressing it up and calling it fancy names or spiffy monikers. We have been lucky enough to procure some very fine factory fish from a known source, with known processing, and with quick freezing technology. Of course it was delicious.
.. On the other hand, we certainly wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole the  sacks of shi . tilapia in our neighborhood grocery store.
===>  Tilapia Is Worse Than Bacon

===> The Perfect Factory Fish

===> Many Sorts

===> Omega-6  vs.  Omega-3

===> Is There Any Truth About Tilapia ??