Saturday, November 22, 2014

Gentility Reigns

Don't Get Used To It
notellum yields a winter dancer
.. This year's introduction to Winter has been gentle so far. Just a couple of days of basement temperatures to keep us in the loop.
..There is a cultural malaise settling over the neighborhood as the winter aficionados await the snows and the fishers retreat to the tying bench. Merchants are bemoaning having to heat empty buildings and take inventory for the tax man.
.. We grabbed a few hours on Notellum Creek with a group of neighbors, (they tolerate our geriatric gait and poor attitude.)
.. The midges failed to make the curtain call but dance partners were willing to take some drowned flies of various sorts and sizes.  Dancing persisted for our whole visit and we even made a small fire to celebrate the mid day cotillion.
..It seems that dance cards are most easily filled with submerged,  nondescript bits of fluff. This is the time of year, (and through early Spring,) when the grungy rejects from the tying bench are most effective. We usually have an ample supply, given the ham-fisted nature of our efforts. For a change, the neighbors appreciate our efforts,
 ..Just a note: there are some invading submarines in Taylor Fork Creek. The water is low and the redds are easily visible - leave 'em be.
.. Back to the bench.