Tuesday, July 15, 2014

So It's Hot !!

The Sun Is Blinding
the clouds left hours ago
.. Now that the major river drainage of Yellowstone National Park has settled down to it's seasonal discharge pattern it is time to visit and catch a few.
.. The vast expanses of the Lamar River Valley, the hot rocks of the Yellowstone River, the wilting glare of the green meadows along Slough Creek, and the broken vistas of the smaller creeks can produce drips from all parts of the human form.
.. And then the great giant flies commence to feast upon your body. They are bulbous, hairy, quick, and leave an irritating sting and itch as a remembrance of their visit.
.. There are horse flies, deer flies, black flies, big flies, little flies, house flies, and the other flies.
.. Of course there are mosquitoes, and ants, and bees, and wasps, and other prickly irritants to join the fishing adventures of the DEET-laden angler. But it's the giant, corpulent flies than seem the most persistent.
.. They find the sweat at the corners of your eyes. They nibble at the crevasses of your ears.
.. They nip at your rod hand in the midst of a backcast. They bite just before, (or just after,) your reel hand needs to do something appropriate.
.. The single ironic and satisfying fact that pertains to these critter is that they occasionally find the water - and fish eat them.
.. Whilst doing the back stroke the flies create a perfect mini commotion that attracts trout to some groceries.
.. There are 'realistic' fly imitations available. They are seldom found in the treasure troves of fly fishers. They do not appear in the bins of many feather merchants. They are, however, hoarded by the top guides and neighborhood fishers from Gardiner to West Yellowstone to Jackson.
.. They work. They work well. They seldom get paraded out at the pub. They have almost reached the status of secret weapon.
.. We mention it only in passing.