Monday, June 23, 2014

Temperature Rising

Seventies Achieved
fish early and late
.. So the kids in the pubs have chided us unmercifully for failing to avail ourselves of the world famous "Park And Catch Fishery" of the Firehole River.
.. The glowing reports of this year's catchery have not gone unnoticed by us. We just have an aversion to ring tones in the wild.
..We succumbed to the chiding and abandoned our hidden runs elsewhere and joined the parade of visitors along the condo clogged road to the promised land.
.. We we're armed with the dynamic duo of local fame: a sweet little soft hackle and a mashed caddis imitation. We went to a place where the river runs away from the road and parking was problematic. We pretended that the soft saunter was an aerobic jaunt and consoled our self with the possible cardiac benefits of walking 300 yards to the river.
.. This year the river has stayed above average discharge, (so far,) but the water temperature is climbing apace with the season anyway.
.. Spikes to over 70° F have been a regular occurrence the past few days and, even with the bite still on there will be fewer and fewer good catching opportunities in the upcoming weeks.
.. The afternoon showers arrived with a fury common in Yellowstone National Park. The billowy white clouds turned to angry gray and sank to the earth about 3:00 PM. The tops of trees were captured by the heavy air and drizzle turned to light rain.
.. There were noses in the film. Catching was consistent. Both flies worked  their magic. They mesmerized so many fish that even the guide books would be embarrassed to report it.
.. A few noses remained on the surface for a couple of dark and dreary hours but we switched from the caddis to the softie and floated it until it sank - good takes in the seams, slicks, riffles, back eddies, and dark water.
.. Every fish in the river was lined up to gobble the flies. It happens sometimes. The rumors turned to truth and we suggest that this can't last much longer.
.. Get thee to the Firehole River - ring tones and elbows be damned!