Friday, November 15, 2013

Not Now -- Later

Real Chamois A Must
as slithy as a tove
.. Right now leeches are gummy balls in the dense bottom-muck of lakes and still water stretches of the rivers. They are deep in torpor or dying. This is not the time to expect that trout will be looking for leeches. Folks fish them anyway but it's not the best choice.
.. Come Spring the leeches will stir. By Summer they will be multiplying and wriggling their way into the hearts and minds of fishers. Now is the time to find a real chamois skin. Or some shreds of a well used chamois skin  - the thinner the better.
.. Tie up a few and wait. Real chamois is a material that looks and acts alive. There is no good substitute. Make it a Winter quest.
.. For now fish a RAT.
WALLPAPER:  GREEN RAT - (controversy be damned)