Sunday, August 25, 2013

Downturn ?

Watch The  River And Weather
some foolish folks greet the sun
When The Thin Fog Burns Off The River; Fishing And Catching Is Done.
.. There are those fishers that understand the morning. They understand about the false dawn. They understand about hatching and dying. They can function with very little coffee or sleep. Bless them all.
Yellowstone Morning Glory
..By nature, nurture, tradition, and training, we usually arise long after the sun has broken the day. Infrequently we see the sun rise.
.. The neighborhood kids don't need coffee. They beat on my window and destroy a perfectly deep slumber. They bring coffee. They watch the river far more closely than the village pros. They explain that it's time to get gone and get on the river.
.. There was rain last night. Real rain, not the piddly drizzle of the last few days; it cooled the rivers. The clouds were thick and persistent. The clouds would shield the rivers from the early morning sun. It was time to get along to the river. The coffee was cold, (bought at a gas station while they had a breakfast of Mountain Dew and chocolate doughnuts - they saved me one.)
Mid Day Catching - Gibbon River
.. There was indeed a heavy spinner fall. There was indeed an early hatch of wondrously small and mysterious bugs. We caught fish in the thin fog of the early morning.  The kids dragged me to the good spots.
.. It's an interesting sensation when one comes fully awake to the thrashing of a bit of silver and rose on the end of a line that you don't remember casting. Works better than cold coffee.
.. There's no frost on the pumpkin yet. The top leaves of the potato plants have withered a bit from some near frosty conditions. It's not Fall by a good stretch - the fires have just hit their stride. But there are signs " . . . for them that knows."  And, the neighborhood kids know - school is about to start.
.. The rivers are finally approaching seasonal, (low,) flows. The Firehole River has shown three days of less than 80° F, and is cooling. The grass in the meadows is as yellow as it is green. The sun is lower in the sky and the color of the sky has changed from it's milky teal color of high Summer.
.. There are even, not too surprising really, reports of visitors taking fish in the Gibbon River at Madison Junction. One truism that soothsayers often forget is that fish gotta' eat. Even in high summer.
.. We're not going to abandon the cool waters of the upper Gallatin River quite yet. We're not ready to give up precious sleep for dalliances in the scant morning fogs of the Madison River - not yet!
.. But, rest assured, that we're going to pay close attention to night time temperatures, cloud cover, rain, and river temperatures. We're going to tie up some Yellowstone Morning Glory flies to go with our bead head Feather Duster flies.
.. We'll keep you informed. Now it's time for a restful nap. We'll be awake in time for the evening caddis on the Gallatin River. Yawn!
Evening On The Gallatin River Comes Early This Time Of Year - So Too The Caddis