Sunday, October 07, 2012


Fishing Great
catching slowed a bit
.. The neighbors ditched their rods for a full three days. We succumbed to only a single day with rod in hand. The cause? JUNE IN OCTOBER.
.. Bright sun, gentle breezes, wispy clouds, short pants and thongs. What more could one ask? Temperatures in the 50' & 60's? You got it.
.. Plans for the weekend were hastily arranged around outdoor meals, football at the school and in the city park. Bicycles were dragged out of storage and roller blades received an unexpected late season round of exercise.
.. The weather gurus are calling for a full week of spectacular visitation weather. Crisp nights in the 20's and days continuing in the 50's and 60's. A few clouds should buzz through the neighborhood and the ever-so-slight chance of a bit of precipitation may visit us.
.. Submarine sightings on the Madison River have been regular but fewer than expected. On the other hand the caddis on the Firehole River have erupted into clouds of afternoon dive bombers starting about 3:30 or so. There are even a few hoppers still gamely fluttering around in the afternoon rays. SUCH A DEAL!
.. Several Conga Lines have formed in the usual places and fishing has become a more social event than sporting event. Conversation, stories, lies and jokes are the fly of choice at the Barns Holes now and for the foreseeable future. It's all good.
Conga Line etiquette: carefully fish through the pool, stroll back to it's head, get in line, tell stories!