Thursday, February 03, 2011

Thanks Ralph & Lisa

11 Years, 8 Cameras, 3 Countries
just plain buggy

.. The midges are thick on these recent sunny and nearly windless days. It's nice. It makes the snow enjoyable. It makes catching pretty simple.
.. As winter thunders back upon us, it may be time for some indoor research. We suggest "BUGS OF THE UNDERWORLD." A spectacular DVD that shows our favorite bugs as never before seen.
.. Ralph and Lisa Cutter have brought us a DVD to change the way we see and understand the critters that fish eat. They do it with style, simplicity, beauty, and insight.
.. There's no overwhelming music. There's no pedantic sermons. There is, however information and images that should keep fishers, fly tiers, and interested parties riveted to their screens.
.. The DVD is available HERE. There are bits and pieces of it on YouTube. There are images stuck in our head that will inform our fishing and hopefully catching for years to come. GET IT!
.. This is not a new DVD. It's been around for a few years and only gets better with time. It continues to garner awards and accolades. We've worn out one monitor just because it's always on.
.. There's some hints about midge fishing and possible midge fly patterns in the clip below. There's some interesting insights in the mayfly clip too.Try it you'll like it. It should be good for more than several winter's evenings.
