Saturday, December 11, 2010

In The Meantime

More Than Just Pretty Pictures
not pointing & Shooting

.. We are always amazed at the images shown on the Photo Site From straight and simple to complicated and contrived the images leap from our monitor. It's hard to escape once the browsing starts.
.. With 19 categories and hundreds of pages in each category there is enough to saturate the visual machinery of any of us. Periodically we imagine the sorts of images that could be made in our neighborhood. Would that we were talented enough to create & share them with you.

.. We find our self returning to the NATURE, LANDSCAPE, & EVERYDAY, pages most frequently. It's not an addiction yet, but the winter is a fine time to let the mind and soul wander.

.. The site is the work of a community of photographers from around the world. They have a vision and screen the images before publishing them on the website.
1x is a photo community with a difference. Take the work of the most talented photobloggers, various famous photographers, and many serious amateurs, select their best work and collect it all in one place - that is 1x. Everyone is welcome to contribute, but every photo is screened, which means it has to be approved by an editor (screener) before being published. 1x is a photo gallery with a constantly evolving exhibition. We publish dozens of new images every day.

.. The founders wanted a site that was elegant, easy to navigate, & would demonstrate their search for the sublime. Click on over and see how they have fared.

.. This year their published book contains images from 205 artists In Pursuit Of The Sublime. The photobook is of the highest quality, as only those from Sweden know how to do it. It costs $79 (USD) and has been shipping for about one month. When the books are gone  - they are gone. To glimpse a view of the book and preview some images CLICK HERE.

 .. We're looking forward to our copy. We're also looking forward to the forthcoming primmer on how to use a point and shoot camera. It's been promised by Tom over at The Trout Underground.